Your Line of Sponsorship...
Your sponsor, your sponsors sponsor and their sponsor etc. makes up your line of
sponsorship. For information on "how to" or "what to" your line of sponsorship is
best equipped to assist you. Affiliate support does not and cannot have the same
level of interest or intimacy in the details of each affiliate's unique business
structure. Therefore only account or transactional queries should be direct to the
support line. Most operational questions can be best answered by your line of sponsorship
or upline service center.
To contact your sponsor send GET SPONSOR to the CoolBiz server.
(125 if you are a LIME user or 444-2491 if you are a Digicel user)
To contact your Service Center send GET SC to the CoolBiz server.
(125 if you are a LIME user or 444-2491 if you are a Digicel user)
CoolCorp's Affiliate Support
For transactional support or account queries Cool Corporation has a contact center.
The contact center is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
Toll Free: 1-888-CoolBiz (266-5249)
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (876) 974-6705
Cool's Main Office is located at:
2 Graham Street,
Ocho Rios, St. Ann, Jamaica, W.I.
Office Line: (876) 974-5767